When Riya was 3, she spent the birthday party under a table, crying. She would have so many meltdowns. The strangest things would upset her. She was timid and clumsy on playground equipment and would struggle to throw a ball.So Geeta and Suresh decided to consult a specialist. When they first met with the therapist at Stepping Stones Paediatric Therapy Centre when Riya was 4, they were told that she had a sensory processing disorder or SPD. That’s when their journey started.

They then decided to start the outpatient work with one of the occupational therapists at Stepping Stones Paediatric Therapy Centre.Through lots of occupational therapy sessions, she has become a different child. The therapist was incredible and lot of progress was seen in Riya. Sometimes, not always, she tries new things. Stepping Stones Paediatric Therapy Centre has been a pillar of strength for Geeta and Suresh throughout their journey.

SPD or Sensory Processing Disorder was originally called Sensory Integration Dysfunction. SPD is a neurological disorder wherein the person sees may have abnormal reactionsand responses to otherwise normal sensations.Sensory processing refers to the manner in which the brain utilizes information from the senses to organize it and make sense of the environment.

Sensory processing disorder or SPD is a condition in which the brain has trouble accepting, reacting and responding to data that comes in through the senses. Amajority of people are surprised to discover that we have eight sensory systems as opposed to five
They are as follows:

  • Visual
  • Auditory
  • Tactile
  • Olfactory
  • Gustatory
  • Vestibular
  • Proprioception
  • Interoception

People with sensory processing disorder or SPD are oversensitive to things in their environment. Normal sounds might be painful or overwhelming. The light touch of a shirt may harm their skin.Others with sensory processing disorder or SPD may:

  • Be uncoordinated/awkward
  • Bump into things
  • Poor body awareness
  • Limited attention span and focus.
  • Behavioural concerns
  • Sometimes temperamental and rigid
  • Excessive tantrums
  • Extreme sensitivity to certain smells,
    sounds or textures
  • Fussy eater
  • Poor participation on the playground or
    in sport activities
  • Poor self worth and self image
  • Poor social skills

Sensory processing disorders or SPD’s are usually recognized in children. But they can likewise affect adults. Sensory processing disorders are commonly seen in conditions like autism spectrum disorder.

Fundamental Facts About SPD: Following are some research-supported statements that can be made for what Sensory Processing

Disorder is: 

  1. SPD is an unpredictable and complex
    disorder of the brain that affects developing children and adults.
  2. At least 1 in 20 people may be affected
    by SPD.
  3. Parent surveys, clinical assessments,
    and research protocols exist to identify kids with SPD.
  4. Studies have discovered a significant
    distinction between the physiology of children with SPD and children who are
    developing typically.
  5. Sensory Processing Disorder has
    remarkable sensory symptoms that are not visible in other known disorders.
  6. SPD can be hereditary.
  7. Research suggests that the sympathetic
    and parasympathetic nervous systems are not working typically in children with
  8. Research also shows that occupational
    therapy is an effective tool for treating the symptoms of SPD.

Symptoms of Sensory Processing Disorder: Sensory processing disorder or STD may affect one sense, like touch, hearing or taste. It might also affect multiple senses.Like many other illnesses, the symptoms of sensory processing disorder or SPD exist on a spectrum. SPD is like a neurological traffic jam that keeps certain parts of the mind from receiving and accepting the information required to interpret sensory information correctly.

Causes of Sensory Processing Disorder: The definite cause of Sensory Processing Disorder or SPD has not yet been recognized.Studies and research suggest that SPD cab be inherited. Pre-birth and birthcomplications or certain environmental factors can also be connected as causal in SPD.  A study found that hypersensitivity to light and sound may have a hereditary component. Other studies have shown that children with SPD sensory processing problems have abnormal brain activity when they are exposed to light and sound. Some childrenwith sensory processing problems respond strongly to a stroke on the hand or a loud sound, while other kids can quickly become used to the sensations.

Take the step in the right direction with Stepping Stones Paediatric Therapy Center.To know more
visit us at www.steppingstonesptc.